Pakistan is fully alive to all internal and external threats and will render every sacrifice to protect its security and territorial integrity with full capacity and resolve, Director General Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Maj Gen Babar Iftikhar said on Thursday.
Addressing a news conference, he reiterated the firm resolve of Pakistan government, armed forces and the nation to stand united for the country’s defence, and warned the adversaries not to test Pakistan’s capability and resolve. “There is no room for war between two nuclear powers. We are aware of India’s capability and are ever ready to defend our motherland. If war starts, it will have unintended and uncontrollable consequences,” he said, while answering a question about Indian military build-up. “We are taking their statements and designs seriously and will defend our motherland at any cost. We always prefer to ensure peace in the region but our core capability is very much in place,” he added.
He said Pakistan is having an eye on India’s military spending which is Pakistan centric. He said India is among top three countries in the world in terms of military spending. In this context, he specifically mentioned to February 27, 2019, operation ‘Swift Retort’ and said despite India’s massive spending on defence, Pakistan showed it capacity and capability by shooting down two Indian planes and arresting Squadron Leader Abhinandan. “After the Pulwama incident, Indian jets intruded into Pakistan’s territory in the dark of night but our quick response made them run while dropping their payload in forest area,” he said. “But, we responded in broad daylight, targeting six military installations, hitting down their two fighter jets while Indian military hit down its own helicopter in desperation.”
Briefing the media on national security, Line of Control, Kashmir situation and Operation Radd-ul-Fasad in connection with February 27, 2019, operation ‘Swift Retort,’ the ISPR director general said during 73-year history of the country, Pakistani nation and forces have stood united in every need of hour. He said February 27 can validly be described as ‘thanksgiving day’ which manifests the firm resolves to defend the country and nation.
“After the Pulwana incident, India levelled baseless allegations despite the fact that Pakistan had offered all kind of cooperation for probe into the incident,” he said. In this situation, he said, Pakistan played the role of a responsible nation as it always endeavoured for peace in the region. “But, India resorted to a cowardly act of intruding into Pakistan’s airspace. Our forces were ready and Indian warplanes had to run away after dropping their payload in our forest area,” he said. “This was an open challenge for Pakistan and our forces responded in broad day-light, engaging six targets and hitting down two Indian planes and arresting their squadron leader,” he said. “February 27 is a momentous day and a glaring example of our valour and commitment to national security as once again our forces fully came up to masses’ expectations,” he added.
“With the reference to this day, we salute all our martyrs and survivors of wars since 1947 as we reiterate to fight out all internal and external threats faced to the motherland,” he said. “There is no price for honour and dignity and our forces and nation have been sacrificing for honour and national defence,” he said. “Pakistani leadership and armed forces are well aware of Indian acts which always posed serious threat to regional peace despite our peace overtures,” he added.
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