Recognizing the key roles women play as diplomats in addressing global challenges, Pakistan has called for their further empowerment, ensuring that women are fully integrated into global decision-making.
“While historically underrepresented, they have today shattered barriers and made remarkable strides, leaving an indelible mark in diplomacy and international relations, Ambassador Aamir Khan, deputy permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN, said on Friday. Addressing a high-level forum celebrating “International Day of Women in Diplomacy”, the Pakistani envoy said that women have the ability to foster dialogue, resolve conflicts and provide long-term solutions in peacebuilding, conflict resolution and humanitarian efforts. In Pakistan, he said, 22.64% of Pakistan’s diplomats are women, many of them serving as Ambassadors. “Our women diplomats represent Pakistan today with dynamism to advance our foreign policy objectives through hard work and dedication while keeping Pakistan’s flag high.”
Similarly, he added, the role of Pakistani women peacekeepers is no different either — deployed in conflict and post-conflict situations around the globe, they have served with distinction and honour to promote peace. “While the rise of women in diplomacy serves as an inspiring example and a catalyst for other women, there are some serious and persistent challenges and gaps that still remain and need to be addressed at all levels, and in different countries, ” Ambassador Aamir Khan, noting that one of the key impediments was the gender digital divide. Different initiatives need to be taken incorporating strategies to enhance internet connectivity, digital literacy and digital affordability for women while enhancing online safety, he said.
“We also emphasize the need to allocate more resources for the elimination of all forms of discrimination against women in the workplace, unequal access to labour market and wage inequalities, as well as a reconciliation of work and private life for both women and men. “There is also a need to strengthen international cooperation and intensify gender perspective in scientific advancement and sustainable development,” the Pakistani envoy added.