Taking cognizance of persistent thousands of public complaints against Employees Old Age Benefits Institution (EOBI), the Wafaqi Mohtasib, Ejaz Ahmad Qureshi appointed Shaukat Hayat Durrani, Senior Advisor and former federal secretary, to carry out an evaluation of the implementation of the recommendations of the Federal Ombudsman’s 2016 systemic study report on employees of EOBI, focused on complaint management system of the aforesaid agency.
The evaluation report prepared by Durrani indicates legal lacunae, inadequacy of mechanisms for registration of workers, delay in payment of pension and old age grants; non-availability of complaint management system to register on-line complaints, inefficient internal dispute resolution system and non-availability of digital record of thousands of employers and millions of workers, says a press release.
The Wafaqi Mohtasib will comprehensively review the implementation of the recommendations of the report by the EOBI with a view to bringing improvement in the service delivery of EOBI and to ensure greater efficiency and transparency in the functioning of the organization which has to look after the interests of around 9.4 million workers.